Telehealth - Remote Access to Psychology Support
**Please note, we are currently at capacity for new referrals.**
Civic Psychology offers Telehealth from the comfort of your own home - Australia wide.
During the pandemic, Telehealth was utilised to continue to deliver psychological support to residents around Australia. This has meant that more people can access psychological support than ever before.
Telehealth Tips
You'll need either a smartphone, tablet or computer with an internet connection, camera and microphone (these are inbuilt into most modern devices). Headphones can also help with audio quality and privacy.
You’re encouraged to find a private room in your home where you feel safe and that you can speak freely and won't be interrupted. A bedroom or study with a door works well or you can even sit in your car if that feels more private. Please ensure that your phone or computer is fully charged and has adequate internet speed. You might like to have a drink of water and/or a box of tissues handy. When your appointment time is confirmed, you will be sent an online link to access your session. Your Telehealth session is secure via use of Coviu Telehealth Software platform which is ISO 27001 certified, HIPAA compliant, and ST4S compliant.
Most people who have not tried therapy via Telehealth before, feel nervous about it’s efficacy and how comfortable they will feel with their therapist. Research has identified that “telephone or videoconferencing therapy was as effective as standard in-person treatment and superior to treatment as usual. Both interventions showed clear, consistent evidence of beneficial effects.”
Reay RE, Looi JC, Keightley P. Telehealth mental health services during COVID-19: summary of evidence and clinical practice. Australasian Psychiatry. 2020;28(5):514-516. doi:10.1177/1039856220943032