Updates for 2024

New fee schedule

As of 1st January 2024, the standard fee across all consultation times will be $253. This reflects Keryn's new Area of Practice Endorsement and increases to patient Medicare rebate. For patients with a Mental Health Care Plan, the out of pocket expense to patients will be $115.95.

Late cancellation fees of $150 will apply for cancellations made within 48 hours of session time. If you have any concerns or questions, please discuss this at your next session.

Change of title to Clinical Psychologist

In September this year, Keryn completed the Psychology Board of Australia Clinical Psychology area of practice endorsement (AoPE) program which enables a generally registered psychologist to use the title Clinical Psychologist. AoPE is a regulatory mechanism and is represented as a notation on a psychologist’s record on the public register of practitioners. (https://www.psychologyboard.gov.au/endorsement.aspx)

What does Area of Practice Endorsement mean?

Completing an area of practice endorsement (AoPE) means that in addition to general registration as a psychologist, a psychologist has completed of an approved postgraduate qualification and 3000 hours of practice, comprised of supervised training, clinical work and professional development in clinical psychology. 

Does anything change for patients?

Civic Psychology is committed to providing exceptional clinical care and evidence-based treatment, and Keryn is incorporating her learnings and expertise into her work with patients.

Furthermore, Medicare acknowledges the Area of Practice Endorsement by providing patients with an increase in their Medicare rebate from $92.90 to $137.05, which took effect from September 2023.

Christmas Closure Dates

Civic Psychology will close from 6pm on Friday 22nd of December 2023 and re-open on Friday 5th of January 2024. Emails will not be responded to during this time. Please check in with your GP should you require mental health support or contact:

Perinatal concerns PANDA: 1300 726 326

Lifeline: 13 11 14, lifeline.org.au 

Suicide Call Back Service: 1300 659 467, suicidecallbackservice.org.au 

Beyond Blue: 1300 224 635, beyondblue.org.au/forums   

MensLine Australia: 1300 789 978, mensline.org.au 

Hours and days are changing

From 1st of January 2024, consulting days will be as follows:

Wednesday 10:00 to 20:00

Thursday 13:00 to 20:00

Friday 10:00 to 18:00


Our waiting area, rooms and bathroom are fully accessible. Civic Psychology supports breastfeeding and we are a part of the Australian Breastfeeding Association “Breastfeeding is welcome here” program. This means we have:

A welcoming attitude from staff and management 

A smoke free environment 

Room to move a pram 

Our bathroom is also fitted with a baby change table, wipes, nappy bags, change table mat and accessible toilet.  

New patients

Keryn will be accepting a limited number of new patients in 2024. 15 minute intake call apppointment times will open from January 8th. Appointments can be booked here: Schedule free intake call


Attachment theory


Comparisons of Psychodynamic and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy